Facebook Advertising

Facebook ads is a form of paid marketing that is charged by clicksimpressions, or auctions. Facebook offers a variety of ad formats, such as video, image, carousel, slideshow, collection, lead generation ads, post engagement, page likes, and event responses.

Why are Facebook Ads Important?

Facebook ads are one of the most cost-effective solutions for marketing an online business. By using Facebook Ads, you can create specific campaigns for:

  1. Brand Awareness – To reach people who might be interested in your brand and, ultimately, increase brand awareness
  2. Reach – To reach the maximum number of people
  3. Traffic – To increase website traffic, app traffic, or Facebook page traffic
  4. Engagement – to increase engagement (i.e. post likes, post comments, post shares, event responses, claim offers etc.)
  5. App Installs – To increase your app installation
  6. Video Views – To increase exposure to your video view count
  7. Lead Generation – To collect lead information from interested prospects vie lead capture forms
  8. Messages – to initiate a conversation with prospects by increasing messages on Facebook messenger
  9. Conversion – Reaches people who are more likely to convert on website or app
  10. Catalog Sales – To use specific ads that show items from catalogs to a target audience
  11. Store Visits – To reach people near your location and get them to visit your store

Setting up a Facebook ad campaign offers you strategic opportunities to grow an audience, build a brand, generate traffic, and increase your revenue.

Hey, are you feeling overwhelmed by Facebook Ads? We can help! Contact us to discuss new strategies to grow your revenue and expand your business using Facebook.


Together we build and implement Facebook Advertising campaigns to increase your bottom line and build trust with your customers.

Facebook is massive. It is the biggest source of online display advertising in the world. In fact, more advertising views are generated by Facebook than its next three largest competitors combined. Facebook currently has more than 1 billion users, and the average user spends 7 hours every month on the social network.

This means that with Facebook you can find your ideal target audience and get your offer in front of the eyes that matter. It also means that you can use Facebook traffic to increase your sales volume by an enormous amount. Finally, it means that if you don’t use Facebook effectively, you will fall behind your competition that is using it effectively.

Daily Reporting
We provide you with customized daily reports, so you will always know how much revenue you are generating through your Facebook advertising.

Facebook Retargeting
We will retarget visitors to your site posting ads that can’t be missed, directly into their news feeds; they’ll appear right along with latest updates from their friends.

Split-Test Your Advertisements
Headlines, descriptions, images. We create multiple versions of each to find an ideal combination for every prospect.

Advanced Targeting
We can target your ideal audience down to the individual. We have the option to import your email list and target your contacts there. We also use a ‘lookalike’ audience targeting to expand the size of your list.

Benefits of Facebook Advertising
Costs just 1% of TV advertising and reaches the same number of individuals.

Audiences can be “super-targeted” by advertising; according to gender, age, location, interests, relationship status, etc.

Ads can be directly targeted ads to users who are already on your email list or who have visited your website.

News Feed ads don’t look like regular ads. In fact, most people don’t even notice the difference between an ad and a post.

Word-of-mouth effect: Users can see their friends’ “Likes” so they are much more inclined to “Like” it also.

Easily grow your number of “Likes” for your Facebook business page by targeting users who meet your demographic. Gain more exposure for the posts on your page. (Without advertising, as few as 3% of all Facebook page posts are seen by fans.)

Most Common Uses for Facebook Advertising:
To send traffic directly from Facebook to your website

To send traffic to an event signup page or email newsletter signup page

To get more exposure for your Facebook posts

To solicit more “likes” for your Facebook business page

When you hire us as your Facebook Advertising Agency, we will recommend the best ways for you to use Facebook ads to meet your specific business goals.